December 2020

The following changes will be rolled out in December 2020 and will be available in a timely manner.

New features

User interface for emails on hold

Under Monitoring > Emails on hold you will find an overview of all emails whose processing has been temporarily suspended and which are currently on hold for at least one recipient.

Emails on hold

In addition, the tabs General and Delivery contain further details as well as options for actions regarding emails on hold. You can reprocess, discard or view details of individual or multiple emails at the same time.

See Emails on hold, Viewing email details.

Managing locked attachments

The Attachments tab of a rmessage track provides details about the location of email attachments. You can download individual blocked attachments from there or check them again for the presence of malware. In addition, you can release or delete all locked attachments of an email.

Corporate users have the option of requesting the approval of locked attachments directly from their email program. Instead of the file, the email contains the link to a corresponding form. The administrator receives a notification of the requested approval.

See Locked attachments, Viewing email details.