Adding partner domains

Each partner domain contains settings for Content filters, the necessary transport security and the trust between the domains.

  1. Go to Identities > Partners > Partners and click Add.
  2. Enter the name of the partner domain.
  3. Select the settings for content filters for inbound and outbound emails.
  4. Select the settings for the URL Safeguard.

    Details on the configuration options can be found under Setting up URL Safeguard.

  5. Choose the transport security for this domain. The transport security determines whether the communication to the servers of the partner domain must be encrypted and which certificates are trusted, if necessary.

    NOTE: You can also store additional certificates here that can be used for transport encryption to the target server. To deactivate transport security, untick all check boxes.

  6. Specify the trust in this domain. The trust in a domain becomes stronger through emails sent to the domain and approaches 0 again over time without further email communication. You can also set the trust to a fixed value. See Level of Trust.
  7. Click Finish.