Checking the database integrity

This article describes how you can check the integrity of the database and repair it if errors occur.

NOTE: You need Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for this action.

  1. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Expand the menu item Databases.
  3. Click the NoSpamProxyDB database and then in the top left on New query. A white window appears on the right side.
  4. To check a suspicious database for errors, use the following command in SQL Management Studio:
    DBCC CHECKDB ('NoSpamProxyGatewayRole')
  5. The following command corrects any errors:
    DBCC CHECKDB ('NoSpamProxyGatewayRole', REPAIR_REBUILD)

    NOTE: Before executing the command, you must change the access mode ("Restrict Access") from MULTI_USER to SINGLE_USER under Options in the database properties.

  6. Check the success of the action with the following command:
    DBCC CHECKDB ('NoSpamProxyGatewayRole')

NOTE: The output should now no longer contain any error messages. If the database could not be successfully repaired and error messages still appear, please execute the command DBCC CHECKDB ('NoSpamProxyDB', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS). Afterwards you should check the success with the above mentioned command again. If the database cannot be repaired, you can also create a new database using the NoSpamProxy interface. Under certain circumstances there is a defect in the SQL Server.