Using other public key servers

  1. Go to Identities > Public Key Servers > Public Key Servers.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the cryptographic key provider and configure it accordingly:

Generic LDAP

  • Name and server name The name is only relevant for you and is not used by the software.
  • Port Connection to the provider's LDAP server. The default port for LDAP queries is 389.
  • Authentication method If the provider requires authentication, you can specify it in the lower section.
  • Search You can either perform an unlimited search or limit the search to a specific LDAP container. In the latter case, enter the LDAP path (Distinguished Name) of the container in the Fully qualified name field.
  • Filter Specifies the search filter used to search for certificates. This must be a valid LDAP search string.

    '(|(rfc822mailbox=%e)(pGPUserID=*%e*))'. In this case, % is replaced by the email address when the search is executed. In the given example, the search is for items where either the field 'rfc822mailbox' is equal to the email address or the field 'pGPUserID' contains the email address. The search filter must contain the placeholder for email address (%e) at least once.

  • LDAP fields Select whether you want to retrieve X509 certificates, PGP keys or both from this provider.

    NOTE: You must select at least one type of key and specify from which LDAP field the key should be loaded.

  • Domains Configure whether the server holds keys for any domains or only for certain domains. If the latter is the case, enter the domains in the list.

TeleTrusT European Bridge CA

  • Name Enter the name under which you want to save this key provider. All other settings are made automatically by NoSpamProxy.

Secardeo certBox

NOTE: To search for certificates and PGP keys via Secardeo certBox, you have to sign a contract with Secardeo. Without an activation, no access to the services is possible.

  • Name Give the provider a name. This is only relevant for you and is not used by the software.
  • Connection Choose whether you want to address the Secardeo Cloud service or a local certBox. For the cloud service, you must configure your firewall to allow outgoing connections on port 389 (LDAP).