NoSpamProxy 13.2 Schneller Kanal/Fast Channel

We have released version 13.2.21327.1706 on December 09th, 2021. This Version is an upgrade release where the following bugs are fixed and new features are added or changed.

HINWEIS: If you have previously installed a beta version 13.2, please upgrade to the official release version 13.2.20141.1435 or later for support reasons!

WARNING: As of version 13.2.20083.1640, a script for enhancing the address searching is included. These may cause the setup not to respond for a some time during database update. The setup must not be aborted and must run until completed. Please schedule a longer upgrade period for this.

Version 13.2.21327.1706 (December 09th, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.21230.1706


  • New Certificate PKI Provider DigiCert implemented
  • TLS 1.3 can be used, if the operatings system supports it


Gateway Role

  • 27842: Mail processing error for e-mail in UTF16le format
  • 27961: Signature validation report can’t be created
  • 29687: PGP Signature validation failed
  • 30144: Root certificate not detected correctly and certificate chain check failed
  • Intranet Role
  • 25521: Message Tracking cleanup improved
  • Other
  • 28348 Templates: Missing sender in encrypted e-mail notification
  • 29354 Content Filter: Wrong classification of ZIP file created with 7-zip
  • 29735 URL Safeguard: Internationalized domain names (IDNs) are not rewritten correctly

Version 13.2.21230.1449 (August 31st, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.21190.1540


  • 29358: Evaluate new SwissSign id-silver product name
  • 29235: Adjust CSP header for WebPortal
  • 29236: Adjsut X-XSS-Protection header
  • 29237: Disable unnecessary HTTP methods


  • 29259: WebPortal on Server 2012 R2 – Inernal server error
  • 26082: Emails received via the POP3 receive connector are downloaded from the server but not delivered to the recipient if the receive connector temporary folder contains *.eml files
  • 29122: SMIME signature signer address validation always fails if MAIL FROM is empty
  • 29090: An unexpected error occurred and the Intranet Role is shutting down. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null


Version 13.2.21190.1540 (July 21st, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.21151.1540


  • 26243: Web Portal problems
  • 28830: URL Safeguard doesn’t always work correctly if there is HTML inside of the a tag
  • 27510: Disclaimer is added at the wrong position
  • 28594: Report Viewer Control 2010 download link in installer is incorrect
  • 28698: Create config override to use instead of

Version 13.2.21151.1540 (June 23rd, 2021)

based on Regular Channel Version 13.2.21111.1701


  • 28537: Quotes are added after decoding an encoded header value
  • 28539: CxO fraud detection doesn’t match if there is a quotation mark between the first and last name
  • 23630: CxOFraud does not detect attempt as long as user name contains umlaut
  • 28502: Receiving an NDR containing headers of an SMIME encrypted email causes an unexpected error during a connection: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stream
  • 28215: Subject flags Link overlapping with text
  • 28046: An unexpected error occurred during a connection: Invalid data read from remote host
  • 28255: An unexpected error occurred during a connection: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • 28254: An error occurred while checking an email sent from to

Version 13.2.21111.1701 (May 6th, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.21069.1155


  • 28110: SSL Cache duration is too high in 13.2
  • 28086: MS removed download link for ReportViewer.exe – this breaks our setup
  • 27815: ‘Header-From’ field is an obfuscated string, but its not true
  • 27840: Excessive memory and cpu usage when using the Trie data structure
  • 26978: Obfuscated string matcher doesn’t match rewritten umlauts (i.e. ö and oe)
  • 27962: Failed to validate a DMARC on an email. Decoded string is not a valid IDN name.
  • 27964: Message tracks could not be retrieved from the Intranet Role.
  • 27969: SwissSign auto enrolment uses correct user information
  • 28087: Adjust 13.2 actions and filters
  • 27678: High CPU usage and unstable

Version 13.2.21069.1155 (March 15th, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.21040.1645

HINWEIS: If you have installed version 13.2.21040.1645 from March 1st 2021, perform an update to this new version to avoid problems.


  • 27467: Archived eml file is empty
  • 27471: D3 archive connector cannot handle subjects with special characters
  • 27508: Possible StackOverFlowException when parsing an email address
  • 27333: Activities are shown only in first
  • 27457: Not recognized category from Cyren
  • 26905: URL Safeguard removes PGP signature and email headers after rewriting URLs in PGP signed content
  • 27124: An error occurred while creating a dispatch job: Another read operation is currently in progress
  • 27229: Corporate email server check “SPF protected local address” is successful if only the SPF check for the EHLO domain was successful
  • 27135: Attachments from nested emails are not uploaded to the Web Portal

Version 13.2.21040.1645 (March 01st, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.20349.1331

HINWEIS: Due to a subsequently discovered, but very rare problem, this version had to be removed from the download. A new version will be released as soon as possible, to fix all problems. If you are already using this version, please watch out for temporarily blocked emails and contact support for clarification, if this occurs.


  • 26340: Large files are not auto approved if there are older files to be auto approved with malware scan failures
  • 26931: Update Cyren to new binaries
  • 27013: Restricting maximum concurrent connections per domain doesn’t work reliably
  • 26872: POP3 receive connector only supports TLS 1.0
  • 26776: email is destroyed after outbound email signing
  • 26715: Logging extension for archive connector
  • 26854: Internal domain names (i.e. exchange.local) are resolved using the external DNS servers
  • 26646: Timstamp server for Outlook Add in is invalid
  • 26666: Disclaimer is added at the wrong position

Version 13.2.20349.1331 (January 13th, 2021)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.20296.1426


  • 26541: Unexpected error occurred during a connection: Index was out of range.
  • 26415: Attach file failed error.
  • 26519: Illegal characters in path.
  • 25996: Auto Retry of quality signature Item should have the Message Track status Put on hold.
  • 25963: Waiting Status for qualified signature signing Status
  • 26410: Configuring the Cyren service on the Web Portal fails with error message “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client”
  • 26337: Header-From address in the format “Display name <;>” causes Message Tracking deserialization errors
  • 25925: URL Safeguard rewrites URLs in brackets with the closing bracket as part of the URL
  • 25846: CmsMimePart cannot be converted to PDF using auto encryption
  • 26033: Outlook Add-In mime type detection detects Office documents as unprocessable zip archives
  • 26004: Gateway Role creates replication artifacts >50MB which can’t be collected by the Intranet Role and break the replication
  • 26173: Web portal and Outlook Add-In don’t use the correct content filter if a partner user is configured to allow any attachments
  • 25608: Secondary DNS server is not queried if the primary DNS server responds with status code ServerFailure
  • 25609: License usage De-Mail count is incorrect if multiple Gateway Roles are using the same De-Mail domains
  • 26144: URL Safeguard destroys URLs in CSS by replacing them with “Protected link”-HTML
  • 25790: NDR contains empty attachment instead of original email
  • 25673: Outlook Addin: Issues on accessing files from UNC path
  • 26129: Empty header line is created if the header ends with a whitespace and the header has a certain length
  • 26507: Remove hard coded domain white list from the surbl filter
  • 26170: Use the new endpoint for the Cyren IP Reputation

Version 13.2.20296.1426 (November 09th, 2020)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.20258.1435


  • 25605: A replication artifact could not be deserialized. The item will be retried at a later time. Error: The string is not a valid email address
  • 25606: Message tracks could not be retrieved from the Intranet Role: The string “” is not a valid email address
  • 24125: Email is signed using SMIME/PGP although it is deactivated in the rule if the sender requests automatic encryption
  • 25654: Database cleanup is slow NOTE: If the TempDB will not shrinked automatically, use the SQL tools to do this manually
  • 25687: Cyren malware scanner fails with error: Illegal characters in path
  • 24838: Users should not be imported from file if email contains not allowed chars outside of quotation marks (“”)
  • 24840: Error when importing user from text file with many @ in email address
  • 25133: Text file automatic user import imports email address prefixes (i.e. SMTP:)
  • 24888: Improve error message in LDAP sync when a group cannot be expanded
  • 25729: Message Track filter doesn’t work for Powershell Cmdlets to get actions, activities, attachments, filters, URLs
  • 26059: Outlook-Add-In crashes on initializing the MimeTypeDetection

Version 13.2.20258.1435 (September 28th, 2020)

based on Fast Channel Version 13.2.20199.1826


  • 24112: Create Issue "German Azure Cloud will be removed"
  • 20044: Implement automatic retries of mails waiting for qualified signatures


  • 24831: Add hint to manual that LDAP key server does not support LDAPS
  • 24895: Replication service replicates too many artifacts to the database at once
  • 24837: Reading the Default partner settings is not retried if it fails the first time
  • 24984: EmailAddress.TryParse uses the relaxed algorithm and is used in the Envelope methods
  • 23685: NDR is sent if an email is permanently rejected by the Sandbox
  • 23686: Sender IP address is not blocked if an email is rejected permanently by the Sandbox
  • 24904: An unexpected error occurred during a connection: Deep clone with non-clonable stream is not supported. Stream must be of type ClonableStream
  • 24995: OpenKeys configuration is not replicated to new Gateway Roles
  • 24884: Disclaimer is added at the wrong position
  • 25016: NoSpamProxy crashes when a large SMIME email is processeds
  • 24720: URL Safeguard error when rewriting URLs in message/delivery-status attachment: Mimepart 'NestedMessageMimePart' is not supported
  • 24683: CDR'ed document is not attached to the EML file in case of nested attachments
  • 24825: change tyntec text message provider default hostname
  • 25154: Email is not accepted because of error: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length
  • 25045: Wrong reject reason for email
  • 25256: Emails cannot be processed by content filter
  • 25165: Downgrade to 7 bit transfer encoding for all emails breaks existing signatures if the email contains a mime part with 8 bit transfer encoding
  • 24917: Intermediate certificate is displayed as "untrusted root, revoked" when imported in NoSpamProxy
  • 25343: Email with very long header line causes 100% CPU usage on Gateway Role
  • 24753: Level of Trust bonus not granted because successful SPF validation doesn't authenticate MAIL FROM domain
  • 23927: "Strict Open XML" office documents are detected as zip archives
  • 24768: TLS best practice settings include 3DES cipher suite
  • 25319: Attachments are differently identified when a mail was signed
  • 24873: Pdf is not disarmed, zip file detect as unprocessable
  • 25364: An attempt to scan the file in directory ZEL4TVFP for viruses. Error: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
  • 25443: Unexpected error occurred during a connection: Index was out of range.
  • 25446: All zip files in large files detect as unprocessable+archive
  • 25408: Cyren IP reputation filter configuration is reset after editing the rule using the MMC
  • 25440: URL Safeguard applies HTML base URL to absolute URLs
  • 25513: Message Tracking search is slow when searching for sender/recipient
  • 25537: TempDB database uses enormous amounts of space during database cleanup
  • 25538: Message Track cleanup doesn't delete a lot of details if the detail retention time is much shorter than the summary retention time
  • 25526: A parameter was invalid.

Version 13.2.20199.1826 (July 27th, 2020)

based on Regular Channel Version 13.2.20171.1151


  • 24608: An unexpected error occurred during a connection: Die Länge darf nicht kleiner als 0 (null) sein. Parametername: length
  • 24621: Trigram search is slow
  • 24718: DKIM signature verification fails if the email contains an attached EML file with incorrect content type
  • 24684: Emails with nested EML attachment with incorrect content type are not serialized correctly
  • 24640: Email rejected by CxO Fraud Detection action causes two NDRs in default configuration
  • 24662: "Unable to confirm artifacts replication" error if there are a lot of replication artifacts
  • 24679: Multiple reputation filter PTR record tests are failing if the sender IP address doesn't have a PTR record
  • 24719: An email could not be decoded