URL Safeguard

If configured accordingly, the URL Safeguard cross-checks the links in inbound emails against entries in the following lists:

  • NoSpamProxy Allowlist, a list of known websites curated by NoSpamProxy.
  • The local allowlist created by the administrator.

Domains that exist in one of these lists as well as your corporate domains will never be rewritten by the URL Safeguard.

NOTE: You can make settings for the NoSpamProxy Allowlist and the local allowlist under Configuration > URL Safeguard .

How does the URL Safeguard work?

If the domain contained in the link is not present in any of the lists, NoSpamProxy replaces the original link with a link that points to the Web Portal.

  • NoSpamProxy replaces the original link with a link that points to the Web Portal.
  • NoSpamProxy replaces the original link with a link that points to the Web Portal and blocks access to the original link.

In both cases, the e-ail delivered to the recipient contains only the rewritten link.

  • If the link is classified as safe, access to the original URL is permitted and executed.
  • If the link is classified as unsafe, access is denied. A notification about the incident will be added to the message tracking. Depending on the configuration, the administrator also receives a notification.

TIP: Blocked URLs can be unblocked by adding them to the local allowlist. The domain belonging to the blocked URL can be viewed on the Web Portal by the recipient of the e-mail after clicking on the rewritten link. The responsible administrator can then carry out the activation. A further delivery of the email by the communication partner is not necessary.

Frequently asked questions


Setting up URL Safeguard

How to customise the Protected Link tag in URL Safeguard

URL Safeguard (Action)

URL Safeguard preceding pages

Reporting false negatives and false positives