Creating a POP3 receive connector

With the POP3 connector, external POP3 mailboxes can be checked for new emails and retrieved by NoSpamProxy Encryption. All retrieved emails are then delivered to the configured internal address.

  1. Go to Configuration > Email routing > Receive connectors and click Add.
  2. Select POP3 as type.
  3. Set a name and the Gateway Roles of the receiving connector. Please refer to the notes under Mehrfach verwendete Einstellungen bei Konnektoren.
    General settings of the POP3 connector
  4. Under Download interval, specify the intervals at which the connector should download new emails from the remote terminal.

  5. Determine the delivery options under Delivery behavior.
    • Deliver all emails to the replacement address All recipient data in the retrieved emails is ignored and the emails are sent to the specified address.
    • Deliver all emails to the intended recipients. Use the substitute address only for emails that cannot otherwise be delivered The recipient data is extracted and the emails are forwarded to the appropriate recipients. The specified address is only used for emails in which no internal email addresses are found.
  6. Determine whether the emails are removed from the server after downloading.

    NOTE: If you leave the emails on the server, they will still only be downloaded once.

  7. Under Mailbox Settings, set the name, network port of the server and the user information for accessing the server.
    The settings for the POP3 mailbox server
  8. Make the settings for connection security. Please refer to the notes under Mehrfach verwendete Einstellungen bei Konnektoren
    The connection security of the POP3 connector.
  9. Click Finish.