Automatic overwriting of values

Different values can be specified for the providers 'D-Trust', 'GlobalSign Atlas', 'DigiCert', 'SSLPlus' and the Windows certification authority. If this happens, the values from the company user are no longer used for the certificate request, but the values stored here.

The following values can be overwritten by the different providers:

D-Trust Organisation, department, city, state or province

GlobalSign Atlas Organisation, Department, City, State or Division, Country

GlobalSign (legacy) None

DigiCert Organisation, department, city, state or province

SSLplus Organisation, department, city, state or province

Windows Certificate Authority Organisation, department, city, country

PGP keys None


Note for users of GlobalSign Atlas

If your contract for GlobalSign Atlas does not allow values such as city or country in the request, you must activate the override values and enter an empty character string. The server filters empty strings from the request.