Changes and recommendations as of version 14

WARNING: Make sure you have installed version 13.2.21327.1706 before updating to version 14. Updating from another version may cause problems. See Software archive.

Changes when updating

Changed names of the NoSpamProxy services

The NoSpamProxy services have new names. You may have to make adjustments in the monitoring. The following names are used from version 14 (the previous names are in brackets):

  • NoSpamProxyCoreAntispamEngine

  • NoSpamProxyGatewayRole (NetatworkMailGatewayGatewayRole)
  • NoSpamProxyIdentityService (-)
  • NoSpamProxyIntranetRole (NetatworkMailGatewayIntranetRole)
  • NoSpamProxyLargeFileSynchronization (NetatworkMailGatewayFileSynchronizationService)
  • NoSpamProxyManagementService (NetatworkMailGatewayManagementService)
  • NoSpamProxyMessageTrackingService (-)
  • NoSpamProxyPrivilegedService (NetatworkMailGatewayPrivilegedService)
  • NoSpamProxyWebApp (NoSpamProxyIntranetRoleWebApp)

Changed names of the NoSpamProxy processes

The NoSpamProxy processes have new names. If necessary, adjust the monitoring, the Windows firewall and existing local virus scanners. The following names are used from version 14 (the previous names are in brackets):

  • NoSpamProxy.CoreAntispamEngine

  • NoSpamProxy.IntranetRole (NetatworkMailGatewayIntranetRole)
  • NoSpamProxyFileSynchronizationService (NoSpamProxyFileSynchronizationService)
  • NoSpamProxy.GatewayRole (NetatworkMailGatewayGatewayRole)
  • NoSpamProxy.ManagementService (NetatworkMailGatewayManagementService)
  • NoSpamProxy.MimeDetection (Netatwork.NoSpamProxy.Mime.Detection.External)
  • NoSpamProxy.PrivilegedService (NetatworkMailGatewayPrivilegedService)
  • NoSpamProxy.WebAppHostingService (NoSpamProxy.WebAppHostingService)

Numerous changes regarding the database structure

The changes to the database structure make it necessary to adapt existing PowerShell scripts as well as SIEM systems (for example Splunk).

Action CSA Whitelist is now Action CSA Certified IP List

The action CSA Whitelist is now a filter and is called CSA Certified IP List.

The NoSpamProxy management console is now called NoSpamProxy Command Center

The NoSpamProxy Management Console/NoSpamProxy Management Console has been renamed NoSpamProxy Command Center and is no longer an MMC snap-in. Any configurations, e.g. if the MMC was previously installed remotely, are lost during the upgrade and must be reconfigured in the new application.

New folder for the NoSpamProxy Command Center

The NoSpamProxy Command Center creates a folder and files in the user profile at AppData\Roaming\NoSpamProxy. The configuration of the NoSpamProxy Command Center is saved here.

New network address for downloading AV patterns

A new network address is used to download AV patterns:

Changes during new installations

Changed installation path

The installation path for new installations is C:\Program Files\NoSpamProxy (formerly C:\Program Files\Net at Work Mail Gateway).

NOTE: When updating, the previous path remains unchanged.

Changed database names

The names of the databases used are as follows for new installations (the previous names are in brackets):

  • NoSpamProxyGatewayRole (NoSpamProxyDB)
  • NoSpamProxyIntranetRole (NoSpamProxyAddressSynchronization)
  • NoSpamProxyWebPortal (enQsigPortal)

NOTE: When updating, the previous names are retained.

NoSpamProxy Web App

During setup, the NoSpamProxy Web App is installed as part of the Intranet Role.


  • We recommend adding the filter 32Guards to all inbound and outbound rules.
  • We recommend adding the action 32Guards to all inbound and outbound rules.


NOTE: When updating to version 14, it is possible that the error message Failed to compile the template 'C:\ProgramData\Net at Work Mail Gateway\Gateway\Templates\HddStressLevel.cshtml' is displayed. You can ignore this error message.

NOTE: When updating to version 14, you must reconfigure the connection between the NoSpamProxy Command Center and the Intranet Role if they are located on different computers. See Intranet Role.


If a Microsoft 365 server is configured as the corporate email server in version 13.2, an inbound send connector with a cost of 50 is created after the update. This connector cannot be removed. In hybrid scenarios, this can have an impact on email routing, as a normal connector incurs higher costs.

To avoid problems,

  • change the cost of the normal connector before the update to a value below 50 or
  • immediately adjust the costs of the newly created connector after the update. Note that email traffic may be interrupted.