Flow Guard

Flow Guard ermöglicht es, die Menge an ausgehenden E-Mails zu kontrollieren. So können ungewollte Massenmails – seien sie nun von unbedarften Benutzern erzeugt oder durch Malware ausgelöst – vor dem Versand erkannt und die Reputation der eigenen Domain geschützt werden. Dazu weist Flow Guard den NoSpamProxy-Benutzern Kontingente für ausgehende E-Mails zu. If the set threshold is exceeded, any further outbound email is rejected.

There are a total of two threshold values that can be set per user:

  • Number of emails per hour
  • Total number of emails per day
TIP: You can also assign the thresholds based on AD group memberships.

NoSpamProxy allows email addresses that are not assigned to any user to be used for sending. In these cases, Flow Guard proceeds as follows:

  • If no user is assigned to the email address, licences are counted per email address.
  • If several email addresses are assigned to a user, the emails from all email addresses are added together.

Setting threshold values

You set the thresholds either globally for all users or for individual corporate users. To do this you must