Step 3: Creating the required Windows group
After installing NoSpamProxy Server, you must create the required Windows group NoSpamProxy EDI at Energy Administrators via PowerShell.
Switch to the system on which the Intranet Role is installed.
Execute the cmdlet New-NspEdiAtEnergyAdministratorsGroup in PowerShell.
This cmdlet does the following two things:
It creates the Windows group NoSpamProxy EDI at Energy Administrators.
It assigns the created group to the EdiAtEnergyAdministrator role.
You can add users to the new Windows group using the MMC Local Users and Groups. If the assignment of the group to the role fails, you must assign the group to the role manually. To do this, enter the following command in PowerShell:
New-NspUserRoleAssignment -Identity "NoSpamProxy EDI at Energy Administrators" -Role EdiAtEnergyAdministrator - TenantId YOUR_TENANT_ID
The environment must be a NoSpamProxy Server installation.
EDI@Energy must be licensed.
If a Windows group with the same name already exists, the cmdlet will fail.