December 2021
The following changes will be rolled out successively and will be available soon.
New features
NoSpamProxy Cloud Encryption
From now on, NoSpamProxy Cloud Encryption provides customers with an overview of all certificates that are stored for them in NoSpamProxy Cloud. The certificates can also be filtered by
- validity,
- activation status,
- type and
- free text.
See Your certificates.
Managed Certificates
The Managed Certificates function allows customers to manage their S/MIME certificates with ease. Certificates can be automatically created based on the connection to a corresponding Active Directory group and renewed before expiry. Managed Certificates requires NoSpamProxy Cloud Encryption and NoSpamProxy Protection as a basis. See Managed Certificates.
Groups and group settings
When importing users via Azure Active Directory, it is now possible to add the groups stored in the AD and configure them individually. For each group, settings can be made for the following functions:
- Content filter
- CxO Fraud Detection
- Managed Certificates
See Automatic user import via Azure Active Directory
S/MIME 4.0 support
As of now, NoSpamProxy Cloud supports the use of S/MIME certificates in version 4.0 according to the specification detailed in RFC 8551.
New MIME types in the content filter
All content filters now take into account the MIME types Microsoft shell link (LNK and URL) as well as numerous OpenDocument formats such as ODS, ODT and ODP. The content filter now takes JavaScript files of the pattern *.js into account in the setting Strict, in the setting Medium private certificates (.pfx, .p12). See Changing content filter settings.